With the VCT the conical hub bore of the new propeller is measured precisely down to a hundredth of a millimeter and aligned with the design data of the existing shaft while the propeller is still in the MMG works.
MMG has developed the Virtual Contact Test (VCT) to ensure that propellers can be replaced within one docking interval. Thus the propeller is supplied ready for fitting. If required MMG engineers will test the dimensions of the ship‘s shaft using a mobile measuring unit.
The VCT, which is recognised by the leading classification societies, makes the traditional spot check fully superfluous – in both redesign programmes and on new ships.
(Project Manager) Propeller
+49 (0)3991 736-189 meidow@mmg-propeller.de LinkedIn
+49 (0)3991 736-160 thiemann@mmg-propeller.de
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