Our service partners or our mobile service team are ready at the shipyard of your choice worldwide to measure the tail shaft or propeller with our highly precise optical measurement technology.
With our optical measurement technology, we can conduct both cone measurements and measure propellers and other freeform surfaces. We utilize various methods that can be used independently or flexibly combined:
Photogrammetry: Deployment directly on the vessel (dry dock) in the installed condition
Fringe Projection: Deployment under optimal conditions at the shipyard, in workshop settings, in the disassembled state
→ Trust in our expertise for precise results, no matter where you are or which shipyard you choose.
(Project Manager) Propeller
+49 (0)3991 736-160 thiemann@mmg-propeller.de
+49 (0)3991 736-189 meidow@mmg-propeller.de LinkedIn
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