Looking for a way to increase your fuel efficiency and reduce your vessel´s overall operating costs?
The saving potential through slow steaming is exhausted as most vessels already operate with reduced speeds. Furthermore, the EEXI regulations require additional efficiency improvements in order to meet the CO2 reduction goals. The solution to optimizing your fleet in-service is simple: MMG retrofit propellers offer additional potential to reduce fuel costs and CO2 emissions.
Exchanging the existing ship's propeller with a retrofit propeller tailored to the new operating profile significantly increases efficiency and simultaneously reduces fuel consumption. In combination with our innovative MMG-Escap® propeller cap, ship owners can achieve fuel savings of up to 14 percent. With MMG rebuying your old propeller, the return on investment can be achieved after six months already.
MMG performs extensive calculations to determine the maximum achieveable saving potential of a retrofit/redesign propeller to ensure a secure investment for our customers. Thanks to our Multidata Design Concept (MDC), we are able to incorporate over 2.000 operating points in our digital simulation - from real-life ship speeds to weather and load conditions. In addition, we thoroughly test the predicted saving with our Numerical Propulsion Simulation (NPS). Numerous model tests performed at ship model basins have confirmed the NPS results.
The Virtual Contact Test (VCT) ensures that propellers can be replaced within one docking intervall. With VCT the conical hub bore is carefully measured to an accuracy of one hundredth of a millimeter and aligned with the design data of the existing shaft directly at the MMG works. If required, our engineers will tests the dimensions of the ship's shaft using a mobile measuring unit.Thanks to the VCT the traditional blue fit test for the fit accuracy between shaft cone and propeller becomes redundant.
(Project Manager) Propeller
+49 (0)3991 736-160 thiemann@mmg-propeller.de
+49 (0)3991 736-189 meidow@mmg-propeller.de LinkedIn
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