A2024 AD023 Werkstofftest 4

Manufacturing Preparation & project realisation - All-inclusive casting consultancy

Our experienced casting engineers advise you on your project right from the start. Our focus is on a design that is suitable for production and casting in order to ensure high component quality and low production costs at the same time.

Cost Definition

It has been scientifically proven that approximately 70% of a part's production costs are determined in the development and design phase and another 18% in the production preparation phase. For reasons of price competitiveness, it is of utmost importance to design a component with the appropriate foresight in order to make it as suitable as possible for casting and production.

Simulation Casting Propeller

Our cast construction services:

  • Powerful, software-supported casting and solidification simulation
  • Structural casting design and optimization
  • CAD-supported casting pattern preparation, ordering and technology optimization
  • Simulation-supported casting and machining
  • Design and machining of free-form surfaces and geometries
  • Preparation of drawings
  • Computer-aided process preparation, monitoring and documentation with CAD and CAM software
  • Construction of jigs and tools
  • and much more...
Festpropeller Auswertung Modelleingangsmessung
Fixed pitch propeller: Quality assurance evaluation of casting pattern measurement during incoming inspection
Festpropeller Aufbau Freiformfläche CAD
Fixed pitch propeller: Construction of a freeform surface (CAD)
Ballastwasserreaktor Füllung Geschwindigkeit
Ballast water reactor: Velocity of the melt during casting
Tracerverteilung Nabe179 A 5 RR Cu Al10 Ni nach Strömungsverlauf bei Formfüllung
Controllable pitch propeller hub: tracer distribution (flow pattern and velocity) of a CuAl10Ni alloy
Modulverteilung im flüssigem Metall VP8700 PAL1481 RR Cu Al10 Ni nach Formfüllung
Controllable pitch propeller: Solidification behaviour of a CuAl10Ni alloy depending on component geometry (modulus distribution)
Temperaturverteilung SPKA23500 SMS Cu Zn37 Al nach Formfüllung Spindelnut
Spindle nut: Temperature distribution of a CuZn37Al alloy after casing
Temperaturverteilung Nabe179 A 5 RR Cu Al10 Ni waehrand Erstarrung
Controllable pitch propeller hub: Temperature distribution of a CuAl10Ni alloy during solidification
Porositaetsverteilung Lagerpfanne Cu Zn37 Al nach Erstarrung
Bearing ladle: Simulation of porosity distribution of a CuZn37Al alloy
Optimierungsrechnung Korellationsmatrix
Casting optimization: Correlation matrix of different casting parameters and resulting material properties
Optimierungsrechnung Parallelkoordinaten
Casting optimization: Parallel coordinate diagram of different casting parameters and resulting material properties

Your contacts

Thiemann Gerd

Gerd Thiemann

(Project Manager)

+49 (0)3991 736-160

Meidow Georg

Georg Meidow

(Project Manager)

+49 (0)3991 736-189

Steven Berger

Steven Berger

(Project Manager)
Centrifugal Casting
Special Casting


Driven by your demands