Qualitaet Oberflaechenrauhigkeit 1

Quality - Quality "Made in Germany"

The highest quality standards of our products and services is based on an integrated quality management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 by Rina.

Only precise production guarantees that the potential of the innovative design is fully exploited. We therefore invest sustainably in the qualification of our employees and the further development of our production processes.

In addition, all recognized methods of material testing are applied in our company. Only when everything is perfect, the propeller receives the certificate "Made by MMG".

Quality Management

Highest quality at all times

Our integrated management system ensures the high quality standard of our products and processes and is constantly audited, verified and certified by the leading classification societies.

Design and production of MMG propellers are accompanied by the following institutions:

  • A quality group operating independently from MMG production
  • External inspection companies
  • Classification societies acting on behalf of our customers
MMG process map 21 03 25
MMG process map
MMG Unternehmenspolitik
MMG company policy

Capabilities and certificates

Qualitaet Optical Precision Measurement 1

High-end inspections


We offer a wide range of tests and inspections, starting from non-destructive testing methods (NDT) such as optical precision measurement and dye-penetrant tests as well as chemical analysis and classical inspections, such as tensile tests.

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Certificates for the highest quality


Our cooperation is based on your trust in the quality of our products and services. Therefore our integrated management systems is regularly certified, accompanied by audits of all major classification societies.

Driven by your demands