
No more underwater noise

Did you know, 2020 is the year of sound. Six years ago, the MEPC approved guidelines for the reduction of underwater noise from commercial shipping to address adverse impacts on marine life. As far back as 2015 MMG has researched in the joint project propNoise, propeller induced low and high frequency noise.

MMG has made the contribution on the development and validation of numerical methods and procedures for the prediction of propeller noise both in the area of blade number harmonic oscillations and in the broadband frequency range.

Port of Vancouver has been a pioneer to expands noise reduction criteria to encourage quieter waters for endangered whales. Vessels that use the MMG-escap® receive a 23% discount on Vancouver’s port fees via the EcoAction Program!

#MMG #Propellers #ESCAP #EcoAction #MEPC #environment #GreenAward #shipping #portofvancouver #keinLärmMeer

Ship Whales
Underwater view of a vessels hull with noise emissions and wales
Simulation Noise Propeller klein
Simulation of propeller noise
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